Are you feeling that your life could have been much better than it is now?

Would you like to help someone in the same situation?

Did you know that gratitude is good for your health? When we experience gratitude, our whole system is set to “positive”. To sleep well, for example, there’s nothing better than remembering the “good times” of the day and feeling grateful for them. It can be simple, like a smile given or received, having food or a roof over your head, the caress of a pet, or even a word  to include gratitude in your sleep routine will help.

That said, when we go over the choices we have made in our lives, we sometimes think that if our decision had been different, our life would be better. In reality, it is an illusion common to all humanity, without any truth, since all probabilities are infinite. So do the reverse exercise and imagine that your decisions could have led to disasters, or  terrible outcomes. Don't you actually have a much better life than you could have had?


Predictive value

Something or someone might require some type of gratitude from you, or you’ll be asked to help someone about a problem related to gratitude. 


Introspective tips

Are you generally living in gratitude? What kind of gratitude? 

Do you allow yourself to experience gratitude? What happens when you do? How do you feel? What does it bring you? In this situation, what will it bring, short-term and long-term?


Mindfulness tips

Today, pay attention to all the moments of the day that can lead you to experience gratitude,  and in which areas it manifests itself. There are light areas and deeper concerns. Notice the difference. 

Originally, the design of the card comes from the properties of our candle and diffuser (and perfume in 2023) Osmanthe Liu Yuan, a gourmet fragrance based on Osmanthus, with a touch of leather. To me, this perfume evokes Gratitude with its fruity opening notes, its light and joyful heart and its link to family and celebration. 


Astrology link



What candle and Scented Stem diffuser fragrances do I suggest with it?

Osmanthe Liu Yuan will bring you joy. Mousse Arashiyama will help you ground yourself, and Rose Trocadéro will soothe you.


What happens when you draw a card?

It means you need to receive this energy, or you need to give it to someone close to you, or both. In any case, this moment in time requires you to explore this specific energy.